IBM resources – Introduction

1.1 IBM resources

The IBM FileNet latest release, has the dependencies and related IBM Software Products covered by the IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation up to V 21.0.3 (V22.0.1, for the container versions) with URL reference:

The main IBM Support site for the links to each version of IBM Business Automation Workflow for on-site, bare-metal servers, can be found using the following URL link:

The following table extract lists the Part Numbers for the packages which can be used to upgrade the on-premises version V19.0.0.2 to V21.0.3, which we cover fully in Chapter 7: IBM BAW 21.0.3 Upgrade Installation from BAW, of this book.

For IBM BAW 21.0.3 on a VMware Linux server (on a Windows server host), use the following eAssembly numbers (you will see that the download is split into 3 parts) as illustrated in Table 1.1:

(Refer: )

Table 1.1: Part numbers for the Linux IBM BAW software installation package

For the IBM Filenet Multiplatform V5.5.9 Multilingual eAssembly, use the software listed in Table 1.2:

Table 1.2: The Part numbers for IBM FileNet V 5.5.9 compatible DB2 11.5 installation

The full screenshots for the step-by-step download of the DB2 10.5 base version (Part Number CIXV0ML) is covered on the pages 107 -108 of the document DB210.5InstallationonRHEL8.0_V1.docx which can be downloaded from the URL, (Titled, DB2 10.5 Installation on CENTOS 8.0 V1)

The URL, lists all the components supported for the latest version of IBM FileNet Content Manager 5.5.9.

Search using the M070SML Part number as shown in the Table 1.3:

IBM FileNet Content Platform Engine 5.5.9

Table 1.3: The Part number and description displayed in the search results

The following example downloads can be repeated for all the part numbers listed in Tables 1.1 to 1.3, using the link,

Log in, then scroll down and use Find By Part Number as shown in Figure 1.1:

Figure 1.1: The current version of IBM FileNet V5.5.9 released 30th June 2022

The search results are displayed as shown in Figure 1.2:

Figure 1.2: The Download for IBM FileNet V5.5.9 is initiated

The IBM Download Director applet is run and shows the status of the downloads in Figure 1.3:

Figure 1.3: The Download Director status for the IBM FileNet Content Platform Engine

On clicking the Details command button, we see the list of the selected Download packages in Figure 1.4:

Figure 1.4: The IFCPE_5.5.9_LNX_ML.tar.gz downloaded installation file is displayed.

Or by search string, for example:

“IBM DB2 11.5 for IBM Filenet 5.5.9” it finds the following as in Figure 1.5:

Figure 1.5: The current main e-Assembly Part Number (G04S5ML) for IBM DB2 V 11.5
The v-opener for G04S5ML can be clicked to show the individual download packages within the eAssembly product code, as shown in Figure 1.6:

Figure 1.6: The eAssembly link can be selected to show the specific package options
On clicking the Download command button, the IBM Download Director applet is run and displays the progress of the software package downloads in Figure 1.7:

Figure 1.7: The selected Db2 versions are shown in the Download Director status window
The Download director status is shown for all the packages selected by using the Details command button as illustrated in Figure 1.8:

Figure 1.8: The 2 selected software packages are downloaded for DB2

Listed above are the DB2 11.5 versions supporting the IBM Filenet V5.5.9 software. The DB2 Graph container support download procedures (using docker) can be found in the URL link page as follows:

Lucas Cooper

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